Making it easy for your drivers to comply means a happier customer. Trifecta Mobility is optimised for each type of freight, easy to use, and powerful in function.
Optimised for the Job at Hand
Perfect Mobility for Each Work Type
General freight has a different workflow requirement to Containers, as does a point to point Job versus an onsite Job. With Trifecta mobility the workflow is optiised for the type of job your are doing.
Images Any Time
Drivers can capture and save images at any time. These are stored with the context of when they were taken (Loading, Unloading etc) or as compliance images.
Flexible Navigation
Navigation is available to show the route, navigate to a pickup, or to the delivery destination.
Things Do Not Always Go To PLan
With our mobile drivers can edit metrics, record pallet movements, confirm seal numbers, and Fail Jobs with the reason highlighted to dispatch, Endirse, or shorthand. Mobility always works, if offline we store the data and instantly update when back in coverage.
Pause, or Work Multiple Jobs
Drivers can Pause a job, ensuring pre loads have accurate timers and dispatch continuity. Additionally Drivers can have several jobs in different states of progress at any time.
Pre Start Compliance
Configure your specific pre start check within Trifecta and report on the driver issues and compliance.
Dynamic Timers
We record the total Job Time, Driving time, Loading, Unloading and Waiting time.
Timers for Rating
Where Jobs have a time based charge, we display in billing the Estimated time, Actual time from device, and allow a manual override, or set to use the highest available value.
We provide detailed analytics on time based reporting. Variance between estimated and actual, Container dwell times, revenue per driven hours and more. With Trifecta you will understand your business.
Always On
Android or IOS - fully offline capable
Offline Mode
Working in Remote Areas is not a problem. Our App has an offline mode, all information and events are saved and updated the moment you are back online
Any Platform
Android or IOS are fully supported with an App that will configure itself to any Mobile or Tablet screen automatically
Accurate Times
We run Timers for your work, capture loading, driving, waiting, unloading. Ensure you have the data for billing and reporting to maximise your trucks. Pre-loading? Drivers can Pause their Jobs at any time.
Endorse, Short, Fail
Drivers can add endorsements that are highlighted to dispatch and admin, short land deliveries, or fail a Job with reason codes
Dynamic Images
Drivers can take pictures at any point, the system classifies them against the Job as Compliance, Loading, Unloading etc. Any image can be selected to be attached to the POD, or simply capture an image when getting the POD signed.
What Gets measured Gets Done
Real Time reporting on Driver mobile Compliance and Subbie POD compliance